Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

It' s a confession.

May Day is a strategic propaganda of communists to make dear the large proportions of population who were workers in Europe in the 18th century. When I was young, I too was largely influenced by the communism philosophy. Well, I am still influenced by its expectations about the ends. But I believe today that the entire philosophy about the means are falsely guided. Marxism is incomplete, and its ways are against the nature of Homo sapiens and their evolutions. I still salute Marx and Engels for their Communist Manifesto. I respect their boldness. I salute Lenin, Stalin and Che Guevara (but not Mao, because he was just a lucky name and nothing more to me). Without revolution, world cannot change drastically. But as Communists claim religion is drugs, I claim communism is a far stronger drugs too.

If I still sound communist sometimes, I believe it is so because I feel the need of drastic change. And because I understand communism very differently. Being a worker myself for ten hours a day, I don’t imagine myself being into politics. And people don’t like politics. And I don’t like politics either. And so I remain a worker myself. When I am doing so, I am surrendering my future and my children’s future to somebody else, who is not a worker and who don’t understand my standing ground.

‘What to do about it?’ is always a question that taunts me every morning and every night. I don’t want to get into politics. I don’t want to surrender my fate and my children’s fate. What is there to me except always a cigarette in my hand and its smoke-dark in my brain. I am a miser. Truly I am.

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