Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

Dance of the Phantoms

It’s still half an hour to the absolute midnight
[Absolute? Can it be so-
Absolute midnight?
I was taught 00:00 is that.
Well, everything they taught wasn’t worth learning.
But once learnt perfectly
(Only to fit in the wheel)
It’s difficult to unlearn.
Memories get erased,
Habits don’t. ]
But already there they are
Phantoms, Silent as the blue sky,
Dancing in their scary whites,
Feet backside front,
Faces as beautiful as the picture of lily in my bedroom,
And I can smell their aroma
Through my window pane.
I don’t expect you to believe
Until you see them yourselves
And when you see and believe
They won’t.
That’s how it has been
And will remain.
It’s the ways of the ghosts.
They haunt individuals
Because (who better than them to know)
Individuals never matter to the collective conscience.
They taught there aren’t ghosts
And they taught 00:00 is midnight.
Naively I learnt.
Unpardonably I discovered the opposite.
And, thus, I watch through my window pane
The dance of the phantoms
In the mute music
And pray what they taught was false
And what I learnt is true.

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