Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

Final Words To Miss Bu'fly

Final Words To Miss Bu'fly
Remember from the very beginning
What we used to be
And please go front to the time
What we could have been.

I know that I can never prove again
And you noticed I was already in pain
With beauty and laughter you tried to heal
But lonely was I and so will I remain.

Sympathy is for a sorry being
First class wastrel deserves your hate
It would have been easier for you
If not with me you had met.

I know well that things aren't same every tomorrow
And we all just smile to hide our sorrow
The person next to you can not be your friend
Who can you trust better than your own shadow.

Cigarette in my hand is on a burn
And wise man know it's not for fun
Every living heart must strive to prove
And wheels of your life are set for the run.

A poet dreams; with the world as it is he is hurt
The cigarette I had lit has now reached to its butt
You have wings and will fly far and high
But beauty and innocence changes lives. Forget this not.

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