Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

That is What God Is!

That is What God Is 
Nothing was different before you came;
Nor anything is going to change after you go,

You see,
Everything here happens as an accident.
The Big-bang!
The Evolution!
The Revolution!
Your (very own) birth!

Your father begeted millions of sperms
Inside your mother's womb
Where an ovum would be waiting for her date.
Oh, an accident!
Thus fertilization.
Your birth.

Had it been other sperm
To date the ovum that moment
Would it be you
That you are today?

You see,
Everything here is but an accident
And in each one there is something miraculous
That human brains can not comprehend.

How did the Big-bang happened?
Why it never occurred with other stars?
How did the stars then appeared at first?
There is something miraculous.

How did the very first life appeared on earth?
Why not as well in other planets?
Because there is no air and water!
But that can't be an excuse;
They all are the debris of the same explosion.
There you see something something miraculous.

How did you born out of a sperm and an ovum?
What is a 'sperm' and an 'ovum'?
How these microscopic objects can together develop into flesh and bones and blood?
There you find a miracle.

And that is not withing the human comprehension.

Neither science nor religion alone can suffice
And that is what God is.

God is religion. God is science.

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