Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

Hey Stranger, Can I walk with you?

Hey stranger, can I walk with you?
There might be holes in my pocket
But I've got thick soled shoes
I want to lead you to the wildest side of the town
Want to unleash the childish part of you
Answer me stranger, can I walk with you?

Why is it that you look so mysterious
And that you are walking alone?
Oh, can I ask you questions-
I've got a list of many more?
Your bag seems so heavy
Would you help me help you?
Would you share with me a piece of your dream
If  I dead seriously asked you to?

Your tell-tale manners look so exhausted
As if they need a day or two for rest
Give me a shot! I know of a place
On whose earth bloom roses without roots
On whose lake swim fishes without fins
On whose sky fly birds without wings

Ha ha ha stranger! I can see you smell lies
Being cooked up inside my mind
Tell me if they satiate your hunger
I know thousands of such recipes
And can invent one at any time

Good friends are never far, never rare
They are twinkling bright dots in the blue aday
Give me your any word as an answer
Or your silence shall mean your consent
Stranger, may I walk with you?
What is life I want to teach;
I want to learn from you.

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