Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

A Little Share

A Little Share

Every soul on this earth
Is rich in some ways or another
Here I am with abundant of words and freedom
So If I didn't share a little with you
That would be so mean of me

If only life was a matter of only two days
Those we spent yesterday and the day before
But it is not
Sometimes I feel like somebody from the sky
Drives us with an invisible thread
It is not either

One's will and obligations get into a fight with eachother
And the consequence: She doesn't find herself in peace
To be happy she needs a friends
But where is he

Oh, here is he! Bound in both hands and legs
With his own kind of chains
Oh, here he is! Bound in both hands and legs
And will never escape

What use?
What use of your breathin
When she peeks at the romantic moon
From her lonely room
Just because you breathe you don't live
Go, find her. She awaits you.

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