Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

Respect Or Love

Respect Or Love
And I dedicate this
To my would be sister.

Leading a life of a stubborn wastrel
Just to make them all realize
How much they are wrong
In their ways of thinking
And behaving
All I have earned is critics and judges
In front of me they all brag how genius I am
Behind my back they sing aloud my aridity

Whenever a challenge was put in front of me
I overcame
The proof is I still feel the same
And only He knows how many times they changed
"NO," I said, "I won't live for more love."
I told them "I won't count it first, second or third."
But they could never understand
Because they were never respected
But only loved.

After you pass away
Your lovers must throw your photographs
Away from their albums
And your memory from their heads
Or you should haunt them
But the respect-payers,
They will salute to you always
And posture your photographs
On the walls of their study rooms
(like I have done to Guevara)

When I tell them this
They make awkward noses
Of course that is insulting!
But I must keep telling them
With words and manners
Because if I didn't
Nobody will
And if nobody did
I would feel bad
And He too.

You need to jump into the lake
To explain how cold the water can be
And being a man of extreme
I understand every emotion
Because I have jumped
Ever since I was capable of

Who always nested their life
In the bushes of far away banks
They try to explain me the depth in the middle
But having learnt to laugh at ht tragedies
I simply smile at them
Because I know and they don't
One day all blind eyes are destined to see

But seeing makes no sense
When you can't explain
So I still say
With the equal intensity of yesterday
Let us all live for the respect
Make all your priorities secondary
Because when you are finally respected
Entire globe belongs to you
And that after-life too
Which everyone fears

Living for respect is simple
So simple that you only need to have faith in yourself

You can not! Why?
You can faith your God, who is not
And you can not faith yourself, who is?
Don't panic with the names they will provide
Because without a name
There can never be you
Ain't I correct?

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