Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie



Knock! Knock!
Whosoever is it,
                           Just let me be in.

Patience has grown
                                one year old.
It resent me through the cold December nights
                                                         and through the wet July rain;
But now
                here I am again.

Buy me some warm, cozy clothes.
Feed me with yummies.
I am a guest
                     so old
                                 so cherished.

I have been coming since the time of your grandfathers.
Everyone knows me.
The poor boy around the corner is so fond of me;
                                                          he hopes that I never go.
His parents,
                     they hope that I never came.
Nonetheless I am in your town
                                                  at your door again.

Take a few days leave;
We shall renew our blurred, old memories.

Show me the golden paddy fields;
Take me to the pair of ropes which fly;
Teach me to drive colorful birds with threads;
Involve me in the wealthy, drunken card games.

Someone of my kind
                                   will be here in a fortnight.
Before he comes
                             I will have to go.

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