Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

The First Thought

The First Thought
He lied down on earth
Like a dead man facing the sky.
In no time everything started to roller coaster
To and fro,
Fro and To.
Nay, it was not a quake in the ground;
Nobody seemed to be preparing for a run.
It was this,
Never even thought of,
The first
Quake in the sky.

Flying birds landed on the ground for safety.
The moon,
She shone the brightest in perplexity-
Whom to go and ask for help.
The only hope,
Were too way far
To know anything about.

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