Salman Rushdie

"A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and to stop it from going to sleep."

Salman Rushdie

We are the pillar

What we do
And what for we live
Might not be the same.

Social structure have become much more complex
Than it had been contrived in the beginning
And these days
Living merely means surviving
And running after the things
That matter not at all
In the end.

Morning you sleep
Day you waste
And when its dusk
Darkness dreads you.

I tell you and you'd not believe
Without our knowledge
We are the pillar to the foundation

Resources were never scarce
They were just improperly allocated
Unjustly distributed
Wrongly utilized.

Poverty is an outcome
Of human greed
Of division
And ill intention.

Finding fault in self
And self-correcting
Is very painful
So we are taught
To see the wrong way-
That resources are scarce
Life means competing
Wealth means accumulation.

Basic requirements in life
Are food, rest, water, air, love
And they are abundant in nature
But we have to spend our lives 'earning'.

And here I laugh at us slaves
Without our knowledge
We are the pillar
To sustain this very social construct.

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